Story Summary

Seele would return to the sanctuary to act as a beaken for if something happened while the new combined group of Herrschers and Forms would enter an elevator to the location of Kevin. while going down Hare would put the group and a space that would endlessly expand due to Herrschers and Forms being together, Ai would show up to explain the situation leading to the forms moving towards the coordinates of earth to meet up with their teams who are fighting the imaginary. The Herrschers would break free due to the lack of Forms holding them there putting them at the bottom of the elevator in which Project Stigma would be explained by Hare before removing the restraints completely returning all but Bronya to their full Herrsher powers. After the Herrschers fail to convince Kevin to stop they have a battle where they hold on but are defeated but saved by Fu Hua and Senti swooping in and using the Star of Eden to create a sudo black hole to give the Herrschers time. Hare then puts the Herrschers into the damaged space in the Herrscher of Reason core which had been filled up with extra data by Hare to convert the 300000 minds to work with Project Stigma. Bronya is put inside one of her memories from her childhood which she is able to escape due to it being hers. She then sees the mirage of Welt Joyce she had seen many times before in the core which she would follow to another one of her memories which she was able to break Kiana free from. The 2 then follow Joyce again to another one which Mei uses her power to break from. After Bronya tries starts back her memory spaces the team runs into the saved Prometheus who is able to explain the situation and give a plan. Backstory is dropped and we learn the Welt Joyce was never a person but rather the Herrscher soul which heard the cries from the absorbed minds in the core for help and created a body to be the hero they wanted, gaining more of his power with the help of humanity before his death moved an incomplete core along. Bronya then starts entering the memories put in by Hare learning that she was born from her stigma when Cecilia connected reality to imaginary in the 2nd eruption. Hare was buggy so would give off large amounts of honkai energy and would be sent back to imaginary space every now and then. Through mutliple memories Bronya learns that Grey Serpent approached Hare many times with requests for her to join but they were all denied. Bronya took back the space these memories held but Hare started spamming other things into the core to stop her efforts. As a result Bronya separated herself from the core giving up the title of Herrscher of Reason to escape the core. Meanwhile Hare was looking at one of her memories, it showed her trying to save some people by awakening stigma in them but converting them to data when it failed, dispite all the fails she kept trying and eventually she succeeded with Bronya's pregnant mother Alexandra. Alexandra would become her friend and give her the name Misteln. Misteln and Alexandra would spend some time together before Misteln would break down and reveal that the stigma was killing Bronya, after some convincing Misteln puts Alaxandra's stigma back into sleeping and leaves but gets put back into imaginary space. After 3 months Misteln returns to reality and goes to World Serpent, she agrees to work with them if they track down Alexandra for her. Some time passes, Misteln and Grey Serpent go to Alexandra's grave leading to a silence that lasted hours. Grey Serpent breaks the silence revealing that Bronya is alive but an ordinary person so preventing Misteln from seeing her, he also reveals that if she enacted her version of project stigma on herself she could be reborn without any of her bugs with her current memory as data. Misteln denies this action at first but eventually does it. Misteln's memory is then cut off by Bronya breaking out of the core. After a conversation between Bronya and Hare the core is returned to Bronya who is then able to reconnect with it as she was part of the occupants. Mei and Kiana then escape the core but are sent to an unconscious Fu Hua so Bronya can take on Hare by herself. Bronya then enacts Prometheus's plan and alters the core to create space to regain the minds from Hare's control. Bronya regains all the minds but is still defeated, but the core and minds reconstruct themselves birthing the true core allowing for Bronya to become the true Herrscher of Reason Joyce failed to become. Hare then leaves as Seele enters, Fu Hua wakes up and exchanges information with the others and revealing that Bronya could fix the portal on the moon to return to the earth. Bronya then easily fixes the portal and all 5 return to the earth.