
After the decision was made to create an artificial Herrscher of Finality the location of the Cocoon of Finality needed to be located, to do this they claimed a piece of Kevin's Chimera power that was allowing him to connect to and use the Authority of Finality. After to power was stabilised and analysed by Theresa the location was found. To connect with the Cocoon and awaken an artificial Herrscher of Finality, Kiana, Mei, Bronya, and Senti connected together through the Authority of Origin to share all their Authorities with each other. In their attempt to connect to the Cocoon of Finality, Kiana was separated from the others and found herself coming in contact with the remaining Authorities, leading to her holding a connection to all Authorities. Kiana's new power allowed her to connect to the Cocoon of Finality and come before it with Mei and Bronya. After being accepted by the Cocoon of Finality as a host for the Authority of Finality she became an artificial Herrscher of Finality.
Final Battle
After making her way to Kevin with Mei and Bronya by her side, the group challenged Kevin to a battle to put an end to all of it. Kevin started the battle by going on top of a Honkai Beast he created named This Worldly Beast, an embodiment of each era of history, splitting up Kiana, Mei, and Bronya in the process. After battling and defeating with the Paleozoic Era: Leviathan's Onlooking arm, Kiana rushed over to help Mei take down the Mesozoic Era: Chimera's System arm, once it fell the two rushed over to help Bronya take down the final arm, the Neozoic Era: Diabolical Transcendence arm. Once all arms were defeated the This Worldly Beast was immobilised leading Kevin to start attacking with debris from the battlefield. After cutting through all the debris Kiana struck the final blow and destroyed the This Worldly Beast, passing what Kevin called the diabolic test. Kevin then unleashed and joined with the signet of Deliverance, entering a new form and that utilised all his power including the power from the Authority of Finality he held, and challenged Kiana, Mei and Bronya to a fight. After a long fight where Kevin utilised all his abilities, Kevin put up a strong shield that prevented any attack from getting to him. Kiana, Bronya and Mei with the help of the Hyperion and the hopes and strength of everyone, were able to overcome the shield to regain the ability to deal damage to Kevin. After final efforts put in by both sides, Mei cut through Kevin with her blades, Bronya crushed him with a spear, and Kiana was able to deal the final blow with her sword and defeat Kevin. Kiana was then suddenly put before the Cocoon of Finality with Kevin, each in their school uniforms from their days as humans. As a final battle of honor between the human kin of the Kaslana blood line commenced, Kiana and Kevin summoned baseball bats and fought casually while talking about their human lives. In the end Kiana won and overpowered Kevin putting an end to the Hero of humanity, as a human.
Since Kevin was put to rest, Kiana was able to take on the full Authority of Finality and become the true Goddess of Earth and give her Embrace to humanity. As this role would require being far from friends and family for a while, before Kiana took on the full Authority she brought all important to her into a mind space one at a time so she could say her goodbyes. The first person Kiana spoke to was her auntie, Theresa, they talked about everyone's futures and how Kiana will stay on the Moon but how some with a high Honkai resistance will be able to visit her, before ending their conversation by talking about their family and both their roles to play. Kiana's second conversation was with her father, Siegfried, their conversation started by talking about their experiences with travel and Kiana's role on the Moon, before moving to talking about the Herrschers and Humanity living in harmony and the future Kiana wishes to create through her efforts, then ending their conversation by talking about the future and their lives. Kiana then moves to talking with her sister, Durandal, the siblings begin by talking about their roles in both saving lives and worlds but how in the end outside of these jobs they are still normal people, they then go onto talk about how they should play games together like Soccer as sisters in the future in their time off like normal people and end their conversation by agreeing to it being a plan. The next people Kiana talks to is her fellow survivor and fellow Herrscher, Fu Hua and Senti, they start by talking about how Senti broke into the conversation and how Fu Hua was feeling a bit old as the last survivor of the Previous Era, before moving onto talking about the future plans of the two, and how they would be travelling around Shenzhou with the Fu Hua as the tour guide showing Senti around in, Kiana then whispers to Fu Hua about how things might be harder for Senti and might negatively affect her due to lacking a Herrscher Core and the lack of available Honkai Energy, before saying goodbye and wishing luck and a good time to both Fu Hua and Senti, before Senti breaks back in to congratulate Kiana on her abilities before leaving. Kiana then takes a final stop and meets with her two best long term best friends, Mei and Bronya who are happy to see her after she cut off in their last conversation. Bronya starts by insisting to give her goodbye first and leave Mei to the end, as Kiana's future life is something Bronya is not worried about at all, the two joke around in their normal tone as Bronya gives Kiana words of advice for how she will do well as she is Kiana, then Bronya signs Kiana up to play co-op games every night starting with the 312 games in her library, which Kiana gladly agrees to, Kiana then ropes Mei into joining them for the gaming sessions on her team which Mei reluctantly agrees with, Bronya then talks about how they will provide support whenever and how Kiana will also get help from the scientists on the Moon, Kiana then ends the conversation by asking for the most fun game first as Bronya turns around with tears in her eyes and waves goodbye to Kiana Idiotka as she warps away. Kiana is the left with just Mei who accompanies her in a walk to their parting, their conversation starts by talking about their loss for words with much to say, before moving to talking about how they have lots to learn and lots of time to do it, Mei then goes onto talk about her plans for the future and how she wants to become a teacher like Himeko but without the drinking, connecting the idea to flowers blooming fruit and leaving an impact on the flowers to guide them into new life, Kiana finds the wordplay great and mature of Mei, Mei responding with Kiana's own mature words, their conversation is then ended by the train of destiny arriving to take Kiana away to take on the full Authority of Finality, and the two part ways.
Graduation Trip
While Kiana travelled on the train she began to take in the full Authority of Finality, as a result she started seeing her past flash before her eyes. She first saw the enemies she was connected to through Authorities, first Otto showed, then the Herrscher of Dominance, and the Herrscher of Corruption. After speaking about what she had overcome, they all vanished and Kiana found herself before the Herrscher of the Void who congratulated her for doing well. Kiana then found herself back with Mei as she travelled around a broken Nagazora that was recovering and had many people they knew. Kiana then ended up at a beach with Mei her younger friends were playing, Bronya then joined Kiana and Mei for the walk as they found themselves at Yae Village with Yae Sakura and Kallen Kaslana drinking tea in the background. They then travelled the world in seconds, they saw Siegfried, Cecelia and Sirin shopping, those from Anti-Entropy enjoying a drink and each other's company, the Flame-Chasers heading to their house, and Dr Mei and Kevin walking together. Kiana then ended up back at a train station waiting for the train again, but accompanied by Theresa, Mei, Bronya, and Fu Hua. After seeing them all happy Kiana returned to the train and walked down the aisle before being stopped by the voice of Himeko. Kiana then turned around to see Mei, Bronya, Thersea, Himeko, and Fu Hua back at St Freya smiling watching her on. Kiana then returns back to the train with a smile as she enters the Cocoon of Finality to bring it to the Moon and finish taking the Authority of Finality. Kiana then saw a young version of herself walking through the snow towards Earth, after she tripped over Kiana helped her back up as the two went on their way with determination and happiness, as Kiana brought the Cocoon of Finality to the Moon.
The Moon
Kiana chose keep the Authority of Finality and the Honkai Energy away from Earth on the Moon to help it heal from the damage caused by Project Stigma, as a result she required continued use of the Authority and due to being artificial a Core of Finality never formed so she still required use of the other Authorities. As a result the Cores got drawn to Kiana due to her constant pulling on them leading to them vanishing from Earth and ending up with Kiana on the Moon. As she would be there for many years Anti-Entropy and Schicksal Scientists chose to make the trip to the Moon annually to help study the Authority of Finality and Honkai Energy for future use by Humanity as a normal thing that helps them along in everything in everyday normal life.